New publications

New Article in Library Information Science Research

I co-authored a new article examining how 15 Australian preschool children (aged three to five) used information technologies in their homes to orient themselves in daily life and to solve problems. The results explore the value of artistic play, sociodramatic play, and early literacy and numeracy activities in shaping young…

New Journal Article Published

I co-authored a recently published article discussing the use of observational video recordings to document young children’s use of technology in their homes. Although observational research practices have been used for decades, often with video-based techniques, the participant group in this study (i.e., very young children) and the setting (i.e.,…

New Article: Visual traffic sweeps (VTS): A research method for mapping user activities in the library space

My new article (with co-author Heather Archibald), published in Library and Information Science Research, presents a new technique for spatial analysis to map patterns in user behaviour. This visual traffic sweeps approach combined traditional observational methods for assessing library space with geographic information system visualization techniques. By demonstrating the power…